The Ayn Rand Institute’s third annual Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinner in Chicago earlier this month raised nearly $300,000 to support ARI programs and initiatives in Chicago and around the country.
In honor of the 50th anniversary of The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand, the Ayn Rand Institute will be hosting activities such as talks, panel discussions, and book giveaways to draw attention to the top-selling book among Rand’s nonfiction.
It’s inevitable. Whenever I attack Social Security as an immoral institution that needs to be abolished, someone announces that my arguments are irrelevant because Ayn Rand was a hypocrite who took Social Security.
In this episode of The Debt Dialogues, I interview FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe about how the welfare state is drafting young Americans into debt, and how they can effectively fight against it.
Last week, I sat down with Yaron Brook for a wide-ranging discussion of Dave Brat’s surprise victory over House Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a Virginia primary election. We covered Brat’s views on Ayn Rand and free markets, Ayn Rand’s influence on politicians, and why thinkers on both the right and the left talk about her practically every day.
David Brat scored an astonishing win over Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, in this week’s Republican primary in Virginia. There’s a lot to say about Brat’s victory, the reaction to it, what that says about the right and the left today, but it’s the Ayn Rand factor that leapt out.
Stephen Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, published a hard-hitting op-ed in the Orange County Register over the weekend. It’s a timely follow-up to his viral 2009 Wall Street Journal column drawing parallels between the collapsing economy in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged and the chaotic world of Washington politics at the height of the financial crisis.
Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem has been nominated for the 1939 Retrospective Hugo Award in the Best Novella category for works published in 1938. The winner will be announced at LonCon 3, a World Science Fiction Convention held in London, England, from August 14 through 18, 2014.
The Ayn Rand Institute’s third annual Chicago fundraising dinner and auction will feature acclaimed investigative journalist, best-selling author and TV personality John Stossel.