During the last few weeks, ARI’s executive director, Yaron Brook, has been touring Europe giving talks on a wide variety of topics. He has spoken in the U.K., Norway, Germany, Poland, Serbia and in the Netherlands on topics such as the morality of capitalism, the immorality of the welfare state, the virtue of selfishness, and economic inequality.
The English business newspaper City A.M. just published an op-ed by David Sokol, CEO of Teton Capital, titled “Free Enterprise Will Crumble If We Fail to Make the Moral Case for Capitalism.”
On October 11 – 12, the nation’s only Objectivist campus magazine, The Undercurrent, hosted the first students-only conference devoted to Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism.
On November 3, in London, U.K., the Adam Smith Institute will hold its third annual Ayn Rand Lecture. The public is invited to hear David Sokol, CEO of Teton Capital, give a talk titled “Atlas Is Shrugging: Why We Must Act Now to Defend Free Enterprise.”
Not too long ago, Steven Greenhut wrote an unusually good piece for U-T San Diego, criticizing employers in California’s construction industry for lobbying for a regulatory crack down on its lower-cost competition. He correctly points out the futility of their approach: “[B]y lobbying for new rules on others rather than for less red tape for everyone, they have lost any right to seriously complain about any additional regulations future Legislatures impose on them.”
A new study by Nicole Craig and Mark Craig, professors of economics at Lafayette University, estimates that the cost of federal regulations is $2 trillion. That amounts to billions of hours in compliance.
Almost seventy years after the publication of Ayn Rand’s first novel, We the Living, Dr. Robert Mayhew is releasing never-before published versions of Rand’s theatrical adaption of the novel “The Unconquered”: With Another, Earlier Adaptation of “We the Living.”
Students eager to join the intellectual battle for individual freedom are invited to The Undercurrent Student Conference taking place October 11 – 12 at American University in Washington, D.C.:
More and more students are discovering the power of the idea of individual liberty and its potential to transform society. Among the more prominent forces inspiring people to embrace this idea is the fiction of Ayn Rand.