Today we at ARI will unapologetically celebrate Columbus Day — and so should you. Why? Because Columbus Day celebrates the life-promoting core of Western Civilization; namely, reason and individualism.
Political figures from Jefferson to Lenin to FDR and philosophers from Locke to Marx to Rawls all claim to stand for liberty. But they have radically different understandings of what liberty is, and so they advocate very different sorts of societies.
A couple of weeks ago, ARI executive chairman Yaron Brook was interviewed on Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal on the merits of “Trumpian Nationalism.”
Freedom of speech is a bedrock principle throughout the Western world, but increasingly it is being challenged — on college campuses, among intellectuals and in politics — in the name of preventing “hate” speech or offensive speech or protecting allegedly “marginalized” groups.
The fifth annual European Students for Liberty Conference took place March 11 to 13, 2016, at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The title of the conference was Students We Should Remember and many stories were told of past heroes of liberty and why we need more of them to build a brighter future. It was a record-setting attendance year with 908 students passionate about liberty and freedom coming together to discuss and learn more about the issues of our time.
Don’t miss an all new episode of The Yaron Brook Show this Monday, May 4, in which ARI’s Onkar Ghate will guest host. Onkar will discuss America’s current immigration policies and analyze what is proper in a free society. He’ll also talk about the comments made by Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau on free speech and radical Islam.