In this op-ed, “ARI’s Onkar Ghate explains why Christmas is “a spiritual holiday whose leitmotif is personal, selfish pleasure and joy” and why the commercialism of the season, “far from detracting from this celebration, as we’re often told, is integral to it.”
In this classic Christmas article, “Why Christmas Should Be More Commercial,” Leonard Peikoff argues that, “It is time to take the Christ out of Christmas, and turn the holiday into a guiltlessly egoistic, pro-reason, this-worldly, commercial celebration.”
“Since knowledge, thinking, and rational action are properties of the individual, since the choice to exercise his rational faculty or not depends on the individual, man’s survival requires that those who think be free of the interference of those who don’t.”
While you’re waiting for your copy to arrive in the mail, check out this new YouTube playlist devoted exclusively to the themes found in In Pursuit of Wealth: The Moral Case for Finance, the new book edited by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins.
Financiers don’t create the products that enrich our lives — they help grow the businesses that create the products that enrich our lives. Yet many people believe on some level that finance is immoral. Maybe not totally. Maybe it has some redeeming features. But at best it is regarded as a necessary evil. If our economic well-being depends on a vibrant and innovative financial industry, why does no one speak up to defend finance?
What motivates the Islamic terrorists? Why are our intellectuals unable and unwilling to recognize the moral distinction between America and her enemies? Why are those thought leaders busy philosophically disarming America?
Within a couple of generations, the former British colony of Hong Kong became one of the richest places in the world. Yet, despite its stratospheric rise in prosperity, Hong Kong is reversing course. Why?
What can we learn from the wealth gap between South Korea and North Korea? Why is religion appealing? Is Ryancare/Trumpcare merely another step toward socialized medicine? And what’s the real cause of Venezuela’s collapse? These are some of the questions touched on in the latest episode of The Yaron Brook Show.