“The most surprising thing I learned from working with Yaron Brook on this book was just how cool finance is,” says Don Watkins, co-author of In Pursuit of Wealth: The Moral Case for Finance.
Fresh from the success of “Building a Future of Reason and Capitalism” in New York City last month, Fox News contributor and hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig is looking forward to emceeing the event on March 11 in his hometown of Chicago.
The fifth annual European Students for Liberty Conference took place March 11 to 13, 2016, at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The title of the conference was Students We Should Remember and many stories were told of past heroes of liberty and why we need more of them to build a brighter future. It was a record-setting attendance year with 908 students passionate about liberty and freedom coming together to discuss and learn more about the issues of our time.
In September, ARI’s executive director Yaron Brook traveled to China to promote the newly published Chinese translation of Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government. We recently had the chance to sit down and talk about his China trip.