ARI News

New essay on Learn Liberty: “Crony-in-Chief: Donald Trump Epitomizes Ayn Rand’s ‘Aristocracy of Pull’”

For months, various newspapers have been trying to associate Donald Trump and his administration with Ayn Rand and her philosophy. Learn Liberty just published Steve Simpson’s all-new essay titled “Crony-In-Chief: Donald Trump Epitomizes Ayn Rand's ‘Aristocracy of Pull,’” in which he not only sets the record straight, but he also offers a radical solution to “cronyism.”
ARI News

The 112th Anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Birth

Today is Ayn Rand’s birthday. Although Rand is known for her best-selling novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and works of nonfiction like The Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, her actual views are still largely unknown or misunderstood.
Culture And Society

Elan Journo on the Value of Reading Ayn Rand

In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Elan Journo explores the value of reading (and re-reading) the works of Ayn Rand by showing how her philosophy applies to various real life concretes such as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s journalist field guide to “anti-Muslim extremism,” communism in Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Poland’s abortion laws.
Culture And Society

Don Watkins on The Rubin Report, Part 1 [Video]

In the most recent episode of The Rubin Report, Don Watkins explains why Ayn Rand is such a controversial philosopher, what makes Watkins tick as an intellectual activist, the demonization of businessmen, the moral meaning of life, Objectivism and libertarianism, the unselfishness of Donald Trump and more.
Culture And Society

Objectivism Q&A with Gregory Salmieri

In this extensive Q&A on Objectivism, Gregory Salmieri, Anthem Foundation Fellow in philosophy, philosophy lecturer at Rutgers University and co-editor with Allan Gotthelf of A Companion to Ayn Rand, answers questions such as: Is love and sex more than just hormones and self-interest? What’s the justification for limiting the term of intellectual property rights? Is Objectivism compatible with “liberalism” and “conservatism”? Why must retaliatory force be put under objective control? Why is living as a parasite worse than as a creator? Isn’t the choice to live arbitrary?
ARI News

Don Watkins Interview Upcoming on The Rubin Report

Ayn Rand Institute fellow Don Watkins is looking forward to wide viewership of his upcoming interview on The Rubin Report, slated for release January 16, 2017. Dave Rubin, a rising star in the world of online video, recorded the interview earlier this month and will release it on his YouTube channel, The Rubin Report. With more than 338,000 subscribers, Rubin’s channel is described as a “talk show that focuses on big ideas and free speech.”

Further Reading

Ayn Rand | 1957
For the New Intellectual

The Moral Meaning of Capitalism

An industrialist who works for nothing but his own profit guiltlessly proclaims his refusal to be sacrificed for the “public good.”
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Ayn Rand | 1961
The Virtue of Selfishness

The Objectivist Ethics

What is morality? Why does man need it? — and how the answers to these questions give rise to an ethics of rational self-interest.
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