Every day Ayn Rand’s books are freely shared with students and teachers around the world, thanks to the generous support of our donors. You can help deliver Ayn Rand’s books to eager readers today.
Are you currently enrolled in a JD program? Have you completed the first year of law school? Are you eager to advance Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism in the culture? If you fit the description, then we can offer you the opportunity to take part in ARI’s summer legal fellowship program.
Today is Ayn Rand’s birthday. Although Rand is known for her best-selling novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and works of nonfiction like The Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, the fact is that her views are still largely unknown (and often misunderstood).
A critical part of ARI’s mission is introducing Ayn Rand’s ideas to the widest possible audience. To this end, the Institute regularly sends its experts to educate new audiences about Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Recently, for example, ARI addressed international fans of Objectivism, including, for the first time, those in Russia and Ukraine.
As the moment of truth approached, John Thorpe, a law school student at Arizona State University, tried to forget about the Atlas Shrugged essay contest he entered in early 2015. John had spent weeks carefully rereading the novel and poring over his essay in the hopes of taking home the coveted first prize. As the announcement deadline approached, however, he couldn’t help but recall the two previous years he went home empty handed.
On November 14, 2015, ARI will be at Freedom Summit Chicago 2015. Onkar Ghate, Don Watkins and Carl Svanberg will be presenting ARI’s perspective on issues like freedom of religion, immigration, inequality and educational freedom.
In September, ARI deployed its largest survey to date on topics related to Ayn Rand and Objectivism to learn the different paths people take in discovering and exploring Rand’s ideas. 4,421 total respondents participated in the survey, representing more than 10% of total recipients, 3,489 of which defined themselves as Objectivists.
Today we are pleased to announce that Gregory Salmieri will be speaking at the Leven Foundation student conference on the morality of value creation at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center on November 6-8 in Atlanta, GA.
ARI and STRIVE are co-hosting the Leven Foundation student conference on “The Morality of Value Creation and Trade” at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center on November 6-8 in Atlanta, GA.
In the case of Sophie Zhao, The Fountainhead essay contest winner, the third time’s the charm. In 2015, Zhao read the Ayn Rand novel for the third time before submitting an entry into this year’s essay contest and was thrilled to be named the winner.
In this presentation, Yaron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute, highlights the key events of the organization’s history, including the impact of our various initiatives and programs. He also offers us a glimpse into what the future holds.