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The Misunderstood Mullahs

by Elan Journo | March 31, 2016 | Claremont Review of Books

“No, Iran Isn’t Destabilizing the Middle East.” Paul Pillar’s article in The National Interest a month before the Iran nuclear deal was signed attacked critics of the negotiations. Pillar disputed the “badly mistaken myth” that Tehran is “‘destabilizing’ the Middle East or seeking to ‘dominate’ it or exercise ‘hegemony’ over it, or that it is ‘on the march’ to take over the region.” On the contrary, while we might dislike Iran’s conduct — bolstering the Assad regime in Syria, backing Hezbollah in Lebanon, nourishing Hamas in Gaza, dominating what’s left of Iraq, funding and training the Taliban in Afghanistan, and arming Islamist rebels in Yemen — Iran is simply reacting to its circumstances as any other state would. Iran’s distinctive ideological character and stated goals, in other words, are at best peripheral to understanding and evaluating its conduct.

Pillar spent nearly thirty years as a senior intelligence analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, and holds impeccable academic credentials. He can hardly be dismissed as a fringe figure. Indeed, the gist of his view — that we shouldn’t worry about Iran’s distinctive ideological character — informs the Obama administration’s approach to Iran. The Obama team acknowledges Iran’s pervasive violation of rights domestically, its wholesale backing of Islamist terrorism, and its ominous nuclear program. But these actions have little to do with one another, or with any larger strategic threat. Moreover, despite the weekly “death to America” chants (merely “rhetorical excess,” according to John Kerry) and the stated desire to wipe Israel off the map, Iran’s leaders supposedly care chiefly about “regime survival” and the economic aspirations of their citizens — as if a brutal theocracy, deep down, wants what’s best for its people. On the unstated premise that everyone in politics has a price, Obama has even suggested that the nuclear deal could entice Iran to improve its conduct while taking on its “rightful role” in the community of nations.

Ilan Berman, however, believes that the derivation of Iran’s conduct from its ideology is missing from Washington policy discussions. In Iran’s Deadly Ambition, Berman argues that the fundamental problem with Iran is not its nuclear quest, but the regime itself: Tehran is animated by “an uncompromising religious worldview that sees itself at war with the West.”

During the tumultuous decade of the 1980s, as [Ayatollah] Khomeini’s revolutionaries consolidated power at home, the principle of “exporting the revolution” became a cardinal regime priority. Its importance was demonstrated in the fact that, despite the expense of a bloody, grinding eight-year war with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, the fledgling Islamic Republic sunk colossal resources into becoming a hub of “global resistance.”

Three decades later, Tehran remains committed to this vision. Even as we negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program, its leaders are “busy translating their vision of world influence into action.”

Berman offers a measured, data-rich survey of Iran’s jihadist ambition, an ambition encompassing far more than the nuclear program. The jihadist group Lebanese Hezbollah (literally, “army of Allah”) was founded with Tehran’s support in the mid 1980s to implement Khomeini’s political theory of clerical rule. Hezbollah has become Iran’s main proxy force in Syria. Iraq, Europe, and Africa. Citing reports compiled by the State Department, Berman shows that Iranian sponsorship of global terrorism continues unabated.

In Iraq, Tehran backed insurgents that undermined and killed American forces. Over time, the new Baghdad government fell under Tehran’s dominion. In Afghanistan, Iran lavished millions of dollars to buy the loyalty of government officials: five years ago, Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan at the time, admitted to accepting a $2 million payoff from Tehran. And lately, Iran has bolstered the resurgent Taliban with shipments of arms, ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, and plastic explosives. In Syria, Iran continued to back the Assad regime, even while Tehran was subject to severe economic sanctions.

Iran advances its agenda, Berman shows, through international enablers, notably China and North Korea. From Pyongyang, which now possesses nuclear weapons, Iran received technological know-how and help procuring materials for its own nuclear program. Beijing relies heavily on Iranian natural gas and petroleum, a trade relationship that has yielded diplomatic benefits for Tehran. China, along with Russia, frequently blocked the imposition of U.N. sanctions on Iran’s nuclear program. To circumvent economic sanctions, Iran has found willing allies in Latin America, where its diplomatic footprint has grown. Venezuela, for instance, abetted Tehran in channeling foreign currency through an Iranian-owned local bank.

Berman describes the complex, wide-ranging web of political schemes, diplomatic stratagems, and lethal campaigns, military and terrorist, radiating from Tehran. Examine that web, work through the implications, and it becomes clear that Iran is defined by its ideological vision. Yet, as Berman notes, Washington ignores Tehran’s character, resulting in an Iran policy predicated more on “aspiration than reality.”

Iran’s Deadly Ambition provides a superb, albeit alarming portrait of the Iranian regime. It is alarming, not merely because of the scale of Iran’s militant ambition, but also because the prevailing American assessment of the regime is so disconnected from abundant, plainly evident facts. By fixing our attention on Iran’s ideological character, this book can help anchor U.S. policy in aspirations that accept rather than deny reality.

About The Author

Elan Journo

Senior Fellow and Vice President of Content Products, Ayn Rand Institute

Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality

by Don Watkins and Yaron Brook | October 20, 2015

A startling, controversial argument that the key to reviving the American Dream of limitless opportunity is not to fight income inequality — but to celebrate unequal achievement.

Equal Is Unfair

We’ve all heard that the American Dream is vanishing, and that the cause is rising income inequality. The rich are getting richer by rigging the system in their favor, leaving the rest of us to struggle just to keep our heads above water. To save the American Dream, we’re told that we need to fight inequality through tax hikes, wealth redistribution schemes and a far higher minimum wage.

But what if that narrative is wrong? What if the real threat to the American Dream isn’t rising income inequality — but an all-out war on success?

In this timely and thought-provoking work, Don Watkins and Yaron Brook reveal that almost everything we’ve been taught about inequality is wrong. You’ll discover:

  • Why successful CEOs make so much money — and deserve to
  • How the minimum wage hurts the very people it claims to help
  • Why middle-class stagnation is a myth
  • How the little-known history of Sweden reveals the dangers of forced equality
  • The disturbing philosophy behind Obama’s economic agenda

The critics of inequality are right about one thing: the American Dream is under attack. But instead of fighting to make America a place where anyone can achieve success, they are fighting to tear down those who already have. The real key to making America a freer, fairer, more prosperous nation is to protect and celebrate the pursuit of success — not pull down the high fliers in the name of equality.

Our Message

Our Manifesto: Turning the Tables on the Inequality Alarmists

Commentary: Inherit The Wind . . . And Not Much Else on Investor’s Business Daily

Interview: Yaron Brook on American’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality

Interview: Don Watkins with A Message For Misguided Inequality Alarmists

Interview: Don Watkins on Challenging the Inequality Alarmists

Videos: See our YouTube playlist, Economic Equality Is Unfair

Commentary: Regular doses of insight at Voices for Reason

Updates: Sign up to be on the Ayn Rand Institute’s email list

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About The Authors

Don Watkins

Former Fellow (2006-2017), Ayn Rand Institute

Yaron Brook

Chairman of the Board, Ayn Rand Institute

50 Years Down the Road of Socialized Medicine

by Rituparna Basu | July 30, 2015

Fifty years ago, on July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law Medicare and Medicaid, marking America’s first major steps towards the socialization of medicine. Medicare and Medicaid, which today pay the medical bills of one in three Americans, were passed on the premise that medical care is a right which individuals are entitled to regardless of whether they can pay for it; if an individual can’t afford the medical care he needs, it’s considered the responsibility of others to shoulder the costs.

On that unchallenged premise, the government has continued to expand medical care as an entitlement. Medicare and Medicaid now cover more medical services and more segments of the population, and new entitlement programs have been passed. Government controls in health care have burgeoned, dictating, for example, how much hospitals and medical professionals can charge for their efforts. Continuing that destructive pattern, President Obama’s Affordable Care Act greatly multiplies the control over health care.

50 Years Down the Road of Socialized Medicine

Image: ittipon via

At ARI, we recognize the immense value of medicine to human life and advocate for liberating the field from government intervention. Life-saving vaccines, drugs, MRIs, ICUs and the myriad advances in medicine don’t grow on trees. They are discovered, invented, perfected, manufactured. Conspicuously downplayed in discussions of health care policy are the doctors, nurses, scientists, and other professionals whose thought, dedication, and work we rely on. The entrenched premise of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare is that someone’s need for medical care entitles him to the unearned: the effort and wealth of others — not only taxpayers, but notably the medical professionals who make health care possible.

We reject that premise as immoral. We view that premise as enabling the continual expansion of government’s role in medicine — and as disarming advocates of freedom who concede it. To reverse course, what’s needed is a willingness to challenge that premise and advocate for freedom on the moral principle of individual rights.

The following articles, blog posts and videos spell out ARI’s position.

About The Author

Rituparna Basu

Rituparna Basu was a researcher and analyst at the Ayn Rand Institute between 2011 and 2016.

Paving the Way for a Nuclear Iran

by Elan Journo | July 14, 2015

The diplomatic talks over Iran’s nuclear program have culminated in a deal. The particular terms—at least those that have been disclosed—are predictably ominous. Despite stringent-sounding limitations and inspections, the deal effectively clears the path for the Islamic Republic of Iran to cheat and game its way toward nuclear capability. For more than a decade, deception has been the hallmark of Iran’s quest for nuclear technology; why expect that to change now? Clearly, this is a bad deal, but the debate over what a “better” deal should look like ignores the underlying problem: to engage Iran in diplomacy is to disregard and downplay that regime’s vicious character and goals.

Paving the Way for a Nuclear Iran

For decades Iran has been at war with us, but our intellectual and political leaders pretend otherwise. Tehran is a leader of the Islamist movement, the cause animating al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and kindred groups. It’s a regime that tramples on the rights of its own citizens, and it seeks to kill and subjugate beyond its borders. Through subcontractors like Hezbollah, Iran has committed many acts of aggression against the United States and other Western interests, going back three decades. Iran was behind the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon and later bombed the barracks of U.S. Marines, killing 241. In Iraq, Iran supported insurgents who murdered American troops. It is aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan, and it has supplied weapons and rockets to Hamas in Gaza. Simply inviting it to the negotiating table is to confer on Iran an undeserved legitimacy.

Understanding Iran’s character is a necessary condition for defining a sound policy response. Since the 1980s, we at the Ayn Rand Institute have been calling attention to Iran’s actual character. The articles, talks, blog posts, and books listed below help explain how Iran is central to the Islamist totalitarian movement; what a proper, retaliatory response looks like; and how America’s irrational policies have crippled our ability to eliminate that menace.

About The Author

Elan Journo

Senior Fellow and Vice President of Content Products, Ayn Rand Institute

Ayn Rand at the Ford Hall Forum

by The Editors | June 18, 2015

In 1961 Ayn Rand was invited to speak at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston, America’s oldest continuously operating free public lecture series. This marked the beginning of Rand’s relationship with the Forum.

Over the years, Rand gave several talks in which she applied her philosophy of Objectivism on a wide range of topics such as art, censorship, capitalism, antitrust, abortion, the moon landing, the military draft, egalitarianism, inflation, Ronald Reagan and the religious right.

Now you can now relive Rand’s twenty years at the Ford Hall Forum.

The Intellectual Bankruptcy of Our Age (1961) | Download March 26, 1961

America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business (1961) | Download December 17, 1961

The Fascist New Frontier (1962) | Download December 16, 1962

Is Atlas Shrugging? (1964) | Download April 19, 1964

The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus (1965) | Download April 18, 1965

Our Cultural Value-Deprivation (1966) | Download April 10, 1966

The Wreckage of the Consensus (1967) | Download April 16, 1967

What Is Capitalism? (1967) | Download November 19, 1967

Of Living Death (1968) | Download December 08, 1968

Apollo and Dionysus (1969) | Download November 09, 1969

The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1970) November 1, 1970

The Moratorium on Brains (1971) | Download November 14, 1971

A Nation’s Unity (1972) | Download October 22, 1972

Censorship: Local and Express (1973) | Download October 21, 1973

Egalitarianism and Inflation (1974) | Download October 20, 1974

The Moral Factor (1976) | Download April 11, 1976

Global Balkanization (1977) | Download April 10, 1977

Cultural Update (1978) | Download April 16, 1978

Age of Mediocrity (1981) | Download April 26, 1981

About The Author

The Editors

The editors are Elan Journo, director of policy research; Steve Simpson, director of legal studies; and Carl Svanberg, editorial assistant.

Freedom of Speech: We Will Not Cower

by Onkar Ghate | January 07, 2015

Free Speech: We Will Not Cower

Image: Charlie Hebdo

When foreign governments, religious leaders and their faithful followers threaten and murder individuals for daring to speak, anyone who values his own life and freedom must stand with, and speak for, the victims.

We call on everyone to post and publicize the content that these totalitarians do not want us to see, as we are doing here.

It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with the particular book, cartoon or movie that they seek to silence. We must defend our unconditional right to freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

The totalitarians are counting on self-censorship: that their threats and attacks will leave most of us too scared to speak out and criticize their doctrines. They then have a chance of killing the few individuals brave enough to defy them.

We must end any hope that this strategy will prove effective.

In the wake of the attacks on Sony, many people rightly observed that if The Interview were put up on the Internet and made widely available, the attackers’ goal of silencing the filmmaker would be unachieved. The same goes for criticism and satire of Islamic doctrine.

If we now all defiantly make the content and images the jihadists wish to ban widely and permanently available across the web, the attackers will have failed. They may have taken the lives of the editor and cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo, for which we grieve, but they will not have taken their freedom.

The alternative is to cower and stick our heads in the sand in hope that the issue goes away. But this will not end the threat. It will only make our freedom disappear.


About The Author

Onkar Ghate

Chief Philosophy Officer and Senior Fellow, Ayn Rand Institute

After 9/11, Lessons Unlearned

by Elan Journo | September 11, 2014

Thirteen years have passed since jihadists rammed jetliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. Doubtless the images of the Twin Towers collapsing are indelible, and the toll in human life was achingly massive. In time, though, memory fades. By themselves, our impressions of the past are insufficient to guide our thinking and action. We need consciously to identify lessons from our experience.

What should we learn? Here are three crucial lessons, still unlearned.

Lesson #1: America’s selfless foreign policy encouraged Islamist aggression.

Writing days after the attacks, Leonard Peikoff explained that: “Fifty years of increasing American appeasement in the Mideast have led to fifty years of increasing contempt in the Muslim world for the U.S. The climax was September 11, 2001.” My talk, “The Road to 9/11,” looks at several episodes of pre-9/11 Islamist aggression and the self-effacing responses of the Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton Administrations. Standing apart from conventional thinking, ARI advocates for a foreign policy guided by the moral ideal of rational egoism, a policy that resolutely protects the lives and freedom of Americans.

What does that look like? Peter Schwartz’s monograph, The Foreign Policy of Self-Interest: A Moral Ideal for America lays out what an egoist approach looks like in theory and practice (purchase Kindle ebook or paperback). My book, Winning the Unwinnable War: America’s Self-Crippled Response to Islamic Totalitarianism, analyses the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and applies Ayn Rand’s ethics to foreign policy, defining a path to victory against the enemy. (Read the introduction.)

Lesson #2. The enemy is not just Bin Laden, or Al Qaeda, but the Islamist movement.

“Know your enemy” is a necessary condition for figuring out how to defeat the threat. Tragically, neither before nor after 9/11 did American policymakers understand the enemy. It is hopelessly superficial to think of the enemy as “terrorists” (many groups use that tactic) or “haters” or “hijackers of a great religion,” or Al Qaeda, etc. Bin Laden has been dead three-plus years, and Al Qaeda has been damaged — but clearly the threat persists.

After 9/11, Lessons Unlearned

The enemy is the Islamic totalitarian movement. It is a cause that encompasses many factions, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, the theocratic regime in Iran, the Islamic State, along with numerous al Qaeda offshoots. What unites them is the common goal of imposing Allah’s laws through conquest and subjugation. Recruits to the movement — from the Middle East, Europe, even the U.S. — embrace it as an ideological cause. Yet American policymakers evasively dance around the task of properly identifying the enemy. Many still see only disconnected dots, rather than the big picture: that we face an ideological movement.

For more on this issue, see the following:

“Disconnected Dots” by Elan Journo

“Jihad on America” by Elan Journo

Lesson #3. America’s post-9/11 military response was self-crippled.

In its power, sophistication, efficacy, and courage, the U.S. military is unequalled. So why did Afghanistan, where we faced Islamists armed with Kalashnikovs and beat-up SUVs, become America’s longest war, ever?

Fundamentally, the problem was not military, but political: the philosophic ideas shaping our war policy undercut the military campaign. In my book, I argue that by subordinating military victory to perverse, allegedly moral constraints, Washington’s policy undermined our national security. Instead of seeking to eliminate real threats — notably from the Tehran regime — the overarching policy goal was a crusade for democracy and nation-building in the Mideast. In the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, our military was hamstrung by self-effacing policies that prevented our troops from defeating whatever threats they faced. In its strategic objective and tactical conduct, our war policy was warped by conventional (wrong) ideas about morality.

The following items explain and illustrate the role of philosophic ideas in shaping U.S. policy:

“An Unwinnable War?” by Elan Journo

“Destination Nonvictory” by Elan Journo

“The Real Disgrace: Washington’s Battlefield ‘Ethics’” by Elan Journo

“The Forward Strategy for Failure” by Yaron Brook and Elan Journo

“Neoconservative Foreign Policy: An Autopsy” by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein

“What Real War Looks Like” by Elan Journo

“America Is Not Winning the War” by Onkar Ghate

“Looking Back at the Post–9/11 Decade” by Elan Journo

“Obama Whitewashes Iran” by Elan Journo

In a video interview with my colleague Steve Simpson, I expand on a number these points and touch on recent developments in the Middle East.

About The Author

Elan Journo

Senior Fellow and Vice President of Content Products, Ayn Rand Institute

The Moral High Ground, Usurped

by Elan Journo | Fall/Winter 2014 | The Journal of International Securities Affairs

Joshua Muravchik, Making David into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel (New York: Encounter Books, 2014), 296 pp. $25.99.

When Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014, the international reaction was predictably vociferous. In London, Paris, and other capitals, thousands of people marched in rallies to decry Israel’s retaliation against Hamas-controlled Gaza. In editorials and op-eds, in the proclamations of academics, and in UN statements, Israel was accused of “war crimes” — a term given prominence after the Nuremberg trials. What distinguished this chorus of denunciation was its shopworn familiarity.

Rewind to 1967, when Israel faced off against neighboring Arab states. In London, Paris, and other capitals people took to the streets to endorse Israel. Editorials in The Times of London, The Guardian, The Economist, and Time magazine aligned with Israel. So did notable intellectuals and academics; one group even took out an ad spelling out its rationale in the Washington Post.

What happened since then to bring about this sea change? In Making David Into Goliath, scholar Joshua Muravchik presents a finely textured history that tells how international opinion turned so sharply against Israel.

The book’s account lays stress on two key developments, one political, the other intellectual.

The political shift unfolded after Israel’s humiliating defeat of the Arabs in the Six-Day War of 1967. Unable to win on the battlefield, the militant, autocratic Arab regimes moved to foster a Palestinian movement, which portrayed itself as part of the “progressive” camp. Superficially at least, Israel was recast as the powerful Goliath, whereas the Arab side, fronted by Palestinians, became the quintessential David.

Underpinning this reversal, the other pivotal development was moral-ideological: the rise of a “new paradigm of progressive thought.” Born of the New Left, in this outlook the central drama of world history was no longer the Marxist model of proletarians versus bourgeoisie, but rather “the third world against the West, or of people of color against the white man.” The Palestinians, in this theory, stand on the side of virtue; Israel, on the side of villainy.

At times working in league, at times fighting each other, the Arab regimes and the Palestinians took the fight against Israel beyond the battlefield. Palestinians gained worldwide notoriety for hijacking jetliners with breathtaking audacity. During one particularly energetic week in September 1970, Palestinian terrorists hijacked four planes simultaneously — and then, to extort the release of one of their crew who had just been captured, they took a fifth jet. Members of Palestinian terrorist groups bombed jetliners, murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, and massacred schoolchildren in a grisly campaign of expanding scope and barbarity.

Perhaps what had an even greater impact on world opinion of Israel, however, was the shift that took place at the United Nations. Over the decade of the 1970s, the Arabs and the growing Third World bloc (sometimes allied with the Communists) took over the organization. As a result, Muravchik explains, the UN became “the principal instrument to legitimize and solemnize the advantages that the Arabs had gained since 1967 by bringing Palestinian national claims to the fore and by intimidating others through terrorism and the oil embargo.” A legacy of that diplomatic coup is the long-standing UN practice of overlooking pervasive violations of rights in Muslim regimes and across the world, but endlessly rebuking Israel on trumped-up charges.

Making David into Goliath retraces the fascinating history of how the Palestinian cause usurped the moral high ground from Israel. Initially that battle was fought in the halls of academia. In Muravchik’s telling, the chief enabler was a professor at Columbia University, Edward Said. In his major work Orientalism and a later tract The Question of Palestine, Said supplied the intellectual means for reinterpreting the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Muravchik notes that Said’s dodgy, arguably dishonest, scholarship led to the unwarranted equation of Arabs and Muslims with blacks living under apartheid. Hence the common trope that Israel is an “apartheid” state. Revered in academia, Said’s work jelled into an orthodoxy that embraced the Palestinians as righteous victims, despite the rampant terrorism perpetrated in their cause and by their number. Adding to that reframing of the conflict was a group of Israeli revisionist “new historians,” whose writings alleged that the founding of Israel was rife with “ethnic cleansing” and colonial-imperialist ambition.

Muravchik’s analysis details how a new narrative thereby took hold: that of Israel as the predator; the Palestinians as the supposedly powerless victims. All of this spilled out of scholarly books and seminars, and onto the agenda of international institutions, mainstream NGOs, the Israeli press, and the international media. You can see it on the streets as well, in the banners and chanted slogans at rallies in European capitals reviling Israel’s self-defense against Hamas.

The greatest strength of Making David into Goliath lies in Muravchik’s adroit telling of a riveting story that urgently needs to be told. Muravchik’s aim is not primarily to lambaste the intellectuals, political leaders, and activists who contrived to reshape the international view of Israel, but the historical account of their malice and duplicity amply convicts them.

In Muravchik’s causal explanation for the shift on Israel, the intellectual reframing of the conflict appears to have been the more potent factor. The other causal thread he emphasizes — the power and influence of Arab-Muslim regimes — clearly mattered too, but less than the New Left/progressive paradigm. There is one issue the book could have spent more time examining, namely how the apostles of that paradigm and their backers were able to succeed in defiance of the actual facts about Israel. We are left to wonder what impact the better scholars and political leaders had in resisting the anti-Israel trend, and what role wider intellectual currents, particularly moral-philosophical forces, played in the turnabout of world opinion.

Notwithstanding, Muravchik deserves praise for illuminating how Israel’s antagonists contrived to recast that beleaguered state as an international pariah. And how they succeeded in doing so, leaving Israel much the worse for wear.

About The Author

Elan Journo

Senior Fellow and Vice President of Content Products, Ayn Rand Institute

The Israel-Palestinian War

by Elan Journo | July 28, 2014

The latest fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has raged now for almost three weeks. World opinion seems opposed to Israel’s actions, with anti-Israel demonstrations breaking out throughout Europe, although some groups have sided with Israel in the U.S. and Britain. The U.N. and the American State Department have called on both sides to negotiate a cease fire. Who is right and who is wrong in this conflict and how should we think about it?

The Israel-Palestinian War

In ARI’s view the first step is to recognize that this is not a war between moral equals. Israel is the only essentially free country in the Middle East. Hamas, which rules Gaza and is fighting in the name of Islamic totalitarianism, is a terrorist group whose purpose is to destroy Israel. It has launched thousands of rockets against innocent Israelis for nearly a decade. Israel is retaliating against Hamas in self-defense.

That context is crucial to understanding the current conflict and the wider war Israel has been fighting for decades. That context means, in our view, that Israel has morality on its side, and that America and the West should stand with Israel, instead of condemning her for alleged “war crimes” and urging “restraint.”

To understand more about this conflict, we recommend the following resources:

“Israel Has a Moral Right to Its Life” by Yaron Brook and Peter Schwartz

The Hamas-Israel War — Interview with Elan Journo

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict — A lecture series by Elan Journo

The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Palestinian Refugees — Interview with Dr. Efraim Karsh, professor of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies at King’s College London

Twenty Years After Oslo: Where Next for U.S. Policy? — Panel discussion with Elan Journo

America and Israel:

“Washington’s Pro-Hamas Foreign Policy” by Elan Journo

“The Perversity of U.S. Backing for the Gaza Retreat” by Elan Journo

“The Indispensable Condition of Peace” by Onkar Ghate

“The Price of Bush’s Commitment to Palestinian Statehood” by Elan Journo

Israel and the laws of war:

“How the International Laws of War Abet Hamas, Undercut Israel” by Elan Journo

“World Upside Down” by Elan Journo

About The Author

Elan Journo

Senior Fellow and Vice President of Content Products, Ayn Rand Institute

Independence Day: What July 4 Really Means

by Tom Bowden | June 26, 2014

“I can say,” wrote Ayn Rand, “not as a patriotic bromide, but with full knowledge of the necessary metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, political and esthetic roots — that the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world.”

Rand’s bold claim was based on the political philosophy contained in the Declaration of Independence — contained explicitly, in Jefferson’s immortal statement that government’s sole purpose is to protect the individual’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — and contained implicitly, in moral principles of rational self-interest that Rand herself made explicit almost two hundred years later.

Independence Day: What July 4 Really Means

“It is in this context — from the perspective of the bloody millennia of mankind’s history — that I want you to look at the birth of a miracle: the United States of America,” Rand wrote elsewhere. “If it is ever proper for men to kneel, we should kneel when we read the Declaration of Independence.”

On July 4, we commemorate political independence from England and pay tribute to the Founders’ moral vision of the sovereign individual who deserves freedom to live by his own independent judgment. But to achieve that ideal in the twenty-first century, we desperately need Ayn Rand’s perspective on individual rights and how government can protect them. Here are some resources for those who want to explore the deeper significance of Independence Day:

Ayn Rand on “America” (from The Ayn Rand Lexicon)

Ayn Rand on the “Founding Fathers” (from The Ayn Rand Lexicon)

Ayn Rand on “Man’s Rights” and “The Nature of Government” (essays available here)

Atlas Shrugged: America’s Second Declaration of Independence” (essay by Onkar Ghate)

The Meaning of Independence Day” (video by Mike Berliner)

Boston Tea Party – July 4 keynote (by Yaron Brook)

Atlas Shrugged: A Paean to American Liberty” (op-ed by Don Watkins)

Kagan’s Updated Declaration of Independence” (blog post by Tom Bowden)

About The Author

Tom Bowden

Analyst and Outreach Liaison, Ayn Rand Institute

Further Reading

Ayn Rand | 1957
For the New Intellectual

The Moral Meaning of Capitalism

An industrialist who works for nothing but his own profit guiltlessly proclaims his refusal to be sacrificed for the “public good.”
View Article
Ayn Rand | 1961
The Virtue of Selfishness

The Objectivist Ethics

What is morality? Why does man need it? — and how the answers to these questions give rise to an ethics of rational self-interest.
View Article