Today is Valentine’s Day, a holiday on which we celebrate romantic love. But, what exactly is romantic love? According to Ayn Rand, “Love is a response to values. . . . One falls in love with the embodiment of the values that formed a person’s character, which are reflected in his widest goals or smallest gestures, which create the style of his soul — the individual style of a unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable consciousness.”
Here was the scene recently in the ARI parking lot — employees with dollies and carts unloading boxes from the back of an 18-wheeler. The boxes contain books — copies of Ayn Rand’s works, like Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead and Philosophy: Who Needs It.
Maria Asvos has been an English teacher in the Chicago area for seventeen years. She has participated in ARI’s Free Books to Teachers and essay contest programs for fifteen of those years. Here she explains why.
Now that her new podcast has launched, Ayn Rand Institute research associate Amanda Maxham is planning future episodes of Rise & Fall: How Ideas Move the World. “It’s important for me to always be learning and exploring,” Maxham said, “and for me this podcast is a tremendous opportunity to do that. I’m overwhelmed by amount of compelling and interesting content we have in audio archives — it’s hard to choose where to go next. But that’s a great problem to have.”
The Myth: New Deal regulation of the financial system made the system safer. The Reality: New Deal regulation of the financial system failed to address the real source of the problems that led to the Great Depression and laid the foundation for future crises.
"Islamophobia," "meritocracy" and "extremism." These three anti-concepts obliterate clear thinking and shut down thoughtful discussion. Have you unwittingly accepted them into your thinking?
“. . . it’s true that malaria, for example, has killed probably, by some estimates, half of all humans that have ever lived . . .” (Amesh Adalja, M.D.) The recent outbreak of Zika (a mosquito-borne virus) in the United States brings mankind’s battle against mosquitoes and the diseases they carry to the forefront. We have many tools we can use to fight mosquitoes, like DDT and GMOs (genetically modified organisms), so why aren’t we using them?