Ayn Rand Institute experts appear frequently in various media outlets, addressing everything from the state of the nation to the state of the culture. Here are some recent highlights.
Hundreds of you have already responded to our offer of a daily email with links to this blog, Voices for Reason. It's with pleasure that we now announce Coffee with Reason to fulfill that promise.
After years of terror — and thousands of rocket attacks — Israel is now waging a war of self-defense. But that war is, unfortunately, being undermined by the so-called international laws of war. So argues ARI fellow and director of policy research Elan Journo on Breitbart.com.
ARI announces its new summer legal fellowship, an internship program that allows law students to work alongside ARI’s policy intellectuals. Legal fellows will research and write on law and policy issues, working with Steve Simpson, director of legal studies, and other ARI intellectuals.
In his latest op-ed, published on Breitbart.com, ARI’s director of legal studies Steve Simpson argues that campaign finance laws threaten the individual’s right to free speech, because they rest on a severely mistaken view of the meaning of free speech.
Steve Simpson, director of legal studies at ARI, was recently interviewed by Education News about the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC and other issues relating to campaign finance law and freedom of speech.