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The Yaron Brook Show: The Theme of the RNC

In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, airing July 23 on AM560 The Answer, Yaron Brook comments on the Republican National Convention’s un-American theme of hysterical fear and discusses:

  • The virtues of free trade and the evils of protectionism
  • What the government’s role should be, if any, in negotiating trade agreements like NAFTA
  • Donald Trump’s views on free speech
  • What one can do to advance the cause of freedom

Tune in live by listening to AM560 The Answer through the local radio station in Chicago.

To call into the show during airtime on Saturdays, dial 312-642-5600. You can also email questions to Dr. Brook at

You can listen to the show live on or on iHeart radio.

Subscribe to the show on iTunes, and don’t forget to tell your family and friends about it.

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