This Saturday, March 26, Yaron Brook will discuss President Obama’s trip to Cuba, the Brussels terror attack and the release of Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally aired on AM 560 The Answer on March 12, 2016, Yaron Brook challenges the notion that the loss of manufacturing jobs is a disaster.
This Saturday, March 19, Yaron Brook will talk about the trade deficit. Is it a threat to America? He will also comment on the Zika virus outbreak and the violence at Donald Trump’s Chicago rally.
This Saturday, February 27, Yaron Brook is joined by Tara Smith, professor of philosophy and BB&T Chair for the Study of Objectivism at the University of Texas at Austin, and together they will talk about the rule of law, Justice Scalia’s death and Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign.
Did you know that Yaron Brook has a new show that is broadcasted weekly on Saturdays at 4 PM Eastern on AM 560 The Answer in Chicago? He does and in the most recent episode, which was broadcasted on February 20, 2016, Dr. Brook commented on the conflict between Apple and the FBI.
The Yaron Brook Show is a radio talk show that offers a perspective on current events informed by Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. As an advocate of reason, egoism and laissez-faire capitalism, Yaron Brook holds many views that go against the grain.