In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Yaron Brook discusses the benefits of robots and automatization and the general technological advancement of society. Topics covered include: how technology made our prosperous world possible, why there’s an unlimited number of jobs, the need for a free-market revolution in education and why preparing for the jobs of the future is your responsibility
Can you believe it? The Yaron Brook Show has been on the air for more than two years. During that time Yaron Brook and various ARI guest hosts have produced 90 episodes covering a variety of topics such as the value of studying Ayn Rand, the follies of mainstream economics, “Socialist” Sweden, the threat to free speech and the nature of free will.
Today most observers agree that the West is in decline. But how close are we to the abyss? What is behind this decline? And, what exactly is Western civilization? These are only some of the questions that Yaron Brook treats in this thought-provoking episode of The Yaron Brook Show.
In the upcoming episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Brook addresses the prevalence of “anti-ideology” among today’s public figures and in particular with respect to Milo Yiannopoulos.