What’s the deal with Donald Trump? Why do people like him? Why does it seem like he’s winning? Find out this Saturday, February 13, on the next episode of The Yaron Brook Show.
Yaron Brook is frequently traveling the world, giving talks on the virtues of capitalism. Every time Yaron hits the road, he’s grateful that his colleagues at the Ayn Rand Institute have always been delighted to fill in for him as guest hosts. And it’s no wonder, since these guest hosts have produced some truly stellar episodes.
One year ago, ARI launched The Yaron Brook Show. A lot has happened since then. Today, more than 80 episodes later, we would like to highlight some of our favorite shows of the past year.
This Saturday, January 23, Alex Epstein, CEO of the Center for Industrial Progress and the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, will join Don Watkins and together they will explain why Objectivism is a philosophy for success and happiness.
Don’t miss an all-new episode of The Yaron Brook show this Saturday, in which Yaron will take up the myriad attacks against the financial industry. Among other topics, he will explain why bankers are reviled in today’s culture, describe the enormous value they create and argue why we should ardently defend the business of finance.
Don’t miss an all new episode of The Yaron Brook show tomorrow, in which Yaron will discuss Silicon Valley and why many working in it lean to the Left when it comes to cultural and political issues.
Last week the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in almost a decade. What will be the impact of this decision? Yaron Brook weighed in on Saturday’s episode of his radio show. If you missed it, catch up here.