In the 2016 election, there was widespread concern about “fake news” and media bias. This talk explores the guidance Objectivist epistemology offers for being an objective consumer of the news. How do the requirements of integration and reduction help guide one's acceptance of the reports of others? How do we avoid uncritical reliance on the media without becoming skeptics of journalism as such? How do we avoid bias without abandoning concern for our values?
Do all people desire freedom? If we look at the history of civilization and at popular political movements over the last hundred years, argues Onkar Ghate, the answer is definitely no.
Many educated people today dismiss free will as an illusion and instead view themselves and other people as determined by their environment and their genetics. Objectivism offers a very different view.
Yaron Brook, executive director of ARI, updates us on the Institute’s current projects and recent successes — as well as its future goals and other exciting news. This video was recorded on June 30, 2014, at Objectivist Summer Conference 2014 (OCON2014) at The Venetian in Las Vegas.