Is it time to end the so-called war on drugs? What about the war on economic inequality? Is the rate of innovation slowing down? And if so, why? These are only some of the topics that Yaron Brook will discuss at the Battle of Ideas 2016 this weekend.
On October 29, ARI will be at AM 560 The Answer’s Freedom Summit Chicago 2016. Yaron Brook and Steve Simpson will start the conference with morning sessions, in which they present their radical Objectivist perspective on two of today’s most important issues; namely, the inequality debate and freedom of speech.
In Equal Is Unfair, Yaron Brook and I argue that one of the problems with the concept of “economic inequality” is that it lumps together two fundamentally different things: inequality that reflects differences in productive achievement and inequality that reflects some people’s ability to gain unearned wealth. Package-deals like this lay the groundwork for injustice.
On September 17, ARI fellow Don Watkins will speak about his book Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality at the Maryland Objectivist Society in Baltimore.
Yaron Brook has been invited to be the next speaker in the Hungry Minds Speaker series.The talk takes place on August 25 at Chinook Tavern in Greenwood Village, Colorado. On August 26 and 27, he will also give two talks at the Steamboat Institute’s 8th Annual Freedom Conference and Festival in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
On June 1 and June 2, 2016, Yaron Brook, Steve Simpson and Tara Smith attended the 2016 Foundations of a Free Society Conference at Clemson University, hosted by the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism.
In this talk, ARI fellow and Equal Is Unfair co-author Don Watkins explains how to understand and win the inequality debate — and how to restore America as the land of opportunity and revive the American Dream as an ideal.
This Saturday, April 9, guest hosts Amanda Maxham and Aaron Smith will talk about the meaning of selfishness, benevolence and altruism; whether it’s selfish to have (or not have) children; the disturbing environmentalist trend of viewing children as “carbon burdens.”