Do all people desire freedom? If we look at the history of civilization and at popular political movements over the last hundred years, argues Onkar Ghate, the answer is definitely no.
Is Sweden really the socialist utopia that it is often portrayed as? Is it a socialist nightmare? It’s far away, it’s cold and for Americans, it’s a country surrounded by economic myths. Here’s the real story.
Within a couple of generations, the former British colony of Hong Kong became one of the richest places in the world. Yet, despite its stratospheric rise in prosperity, Hong Kong is reversing course. Why?
In this wide-ranging interview, Yaron Brook discusses Ayn Rand’s achievements as a novelist-philosopher; the role of philosophy in history; Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow; why “the poor” only need freedom to rise; environmentalism; and more.
What can we learn from the wealth gap between South Korea and North Korea? Why is religion appealing? Is Ryancare/Trumpcare merely another step toward socialized medicine? And what’s the real cause of Venezuela’s collapse? These are some of the questions touched on in the latest episode of The Yaron Brook Show.
The year 2017 marks the 60th publication anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, so we’re talking to the authors of chapters in Robert Mayhew’s book Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” First up is Edwin A. Locke, whose chapter “The Traits of Business Heroes in Atlas Shrugged” focuses on character traits and moral virtues shared by the novel’s many business heroes, such as Hank Rearden, Francisco d’Anconia and Dagny Taggart.
For those in the Orange County, California area, join the Ayn Rand Institute Saturday, February 25 at Avenue of the Arts Hotel in Costa Mesa for a discussion on the state of the culture and of the Objectivist movement in light of the new administration in Washington, D.C.