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#OCON2017 Livestream June 10: Productive Achievement: Man’s “Noblest Activity”

Most thinkers throughout history have held a negative or, at best, neutral view of productive work. If not scorned outright, production has usually been viewed as having no moral significance. But Ayn Rand had a unique view of the human potential, central to which is the importance she accords to the act of production. Productive achievement, in her philosophy, is man’s “noblest activity.”

Tomorrow, June 10, Onkar Ghate will give a talk titled Productive Achievement: Man’s “Noblest Activity,” in which he will explore what Objectivism means by the virtue of productiveness and discusses aspects of our culture’s positive and negative attitudes toward producers and productive activity.

This must-see session begins at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.

Sign up for livestreaming here.

Join the conversation on Twitter at @OCON_live and on our OCON 2017 Facebook page.