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More Praise for ARI Book Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism

Carol Gould, the author and commentator, has praised Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism for reaching “the highest level of scholarly excellence.” The book, she continued, “should be a primer for leaders around the globe and a text to be read by students hoping to go out into the working world in leadership positions. Highly recommended.”

The book, which Onkar Ghate and I co-authored, has already garnered several other plaudits. It was hailed as “heartbreakingly rational, masterfully reasoned, entirely clear, prescient” by the author Phyllis Chesler; a “moral tour de force” by philosopher Jason Hill; and “a brilliant collection of essays” by historian Efraim Karsh.

The book looks at why, fifteen years after September 11, Islamic totalitarianism is undefeated, emboldened, and on the march. The fundamental problem, we argue, lies in the irrational philosophic ideas that permeate — and subvert — American foreign policy. We indicate the key elements of the argument in the Introduction, which you can read for free in PDF.

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