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Live@OCON 2016, July 6: “Being Selfish, Being Happy”

Today, July 6, 2016, we will be streaming the first of Tara Smith’s two-part lecture titled “Being Selfish, Being Happy”:

The idea that a person should be selfish is so alien in our culture that people struggle to understand what Ayn Rand could possibly mean. These talks explain crucial features of what rational egoism is, what it is not, and what it is for. They explore the way in which a man’s selfishness is his only means of achieving sustainable happiness. Egoism’s principle is reason. Its point is personal flourishing. The question: What does this mean for you?

The session begins at 10:00 am Pacific.

Sign up for livestreaming here.

Tomorrow, same time and place, Dr. Smith will deliver the second and final part of this lecture.

Join the conversation on Twitter at @OCON_live and on our OCON 2016 Facebook page.