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Harry Binswanger and Onkar Ghate at APEE 2016

Next month, Onkar Ghate and Harry Binswanger will be participants in the annual conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) in Las Vegas, Nevada.

On April 4, Ghate will present his new paper, “Rand on Individual Rights and the Emergence of Government,” at a session on the philosophy of freedom. Other session participants are Peter Calcagno, Alberto Mingardi and Douglas B. Rasmussen. (A version of Dr. Ghate’s paper will be published in an upcoming addition to the Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies series.)

The following day, April 5, Binswanger, philosopher and author of How We Know, will be joined by Ghate and by Robert F. Mulligan and Nikolai G. Wenzel on a panel discussion titled “Hayek and Rand on the (Ab)Use of Reason.”

ARI will also promote Don Watkins and Yaron Brook’s newly published Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Inequality at the conference.

APEE unites scholars and intellectuals from around the world who share an interest in researching and promoting free markets. The organization’s annual conference is a good opportunity for ARI intellectuals to engage in important debates and connect with scholars interested in Ayn Rand’s ideas.

To learn more about ARI’s upcoming events, visit the Events page.