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Enter ARI’s College Writing Contest, Deadline Approaching

ARI’s fall 2016 College Writing Contest will award $1,500 in prizes to the authors of the best published pieces of writing that present, explain, apply or promote individual rights, capitalism, rational self-interest or any other aspect of Ayn Rand’s distinctive philosophy of Objectivism.

Entries can be articles, op-eds, letters to the editor or blog posts published by a student in any serious collegiate press (paper or online) such as a university journal or newspaper or a student magazine such as The Undercurrent. Pieces that have been accepted by a press but are forthcoming are also eligible.

You could win a $1,000 grand prize, $350 second prize or $150 third prize. Additional prizes may be awarded at our discretion for outstanding work, and your efforts could earn special recognition in an ARI forum.

The deadline to enter is December 31, 2016. Learn more about how to enter here.