Carol Gould, the author and commentator, has praised Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism for reaching “the highest level of scholarly excellence.” The book, she continued, “should be a primer for leaders around the globe and a text to be read by students hoping to go out into the working world in leadership positions. Highly recommended.”
What’s wrong with mainstream economics? Has it placed mathematical gymnastics above a genuine understanding of how a division of labor economy encourages specialization, innovation and economic progress?
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In recent years, Yaron Brook, ARI chairman executive, has been invited to give talks at Exeter University in the UK. In 2014, Brook gave his first Exeter talk on the morality of capitalism. The talk, which was organized with the help of a former ARI intern, was delivered to a lecture room filled to capacity. In 2015, Brook came back to talk about the inequality debate. Again, it was a packed room with more than 150 students attending live, and with over 30,000 views it is one of the most watched videos with Brook.
Would you like to introduce the books and ideas of Ayn Rand to someone in your life? What better way than sponsoring a gift this holiday season to support the vital mission of the Ayn Rand Institute, while sending them a copy of The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged? Our survey data show that the number one way people learn about Ayn Rand is through a friend or family member.