The Institute’s focus remains unwavering. We, in partnership with our contributors, are striving to implement fundamental, philosophical change in the culture. In the wake of the elections, what the next four years holds is uncertain. But whatever occurs, it will not be as important as the four years after that — and the years beyond.
In this special Sunday episode, Yaron discusses Ayn Rand, conservatives and Trump. Is Rand the central intellectual influence on conservatives? Will Trump’s cabinet be able to defend capitalism and business?
In trying to make a valid point — that the left has wrongly portrayed Rand as the central intellectual influence on conservatives — Kevin D. Williamson goes a bridge too far, trying to pretend that fondness for Rand’s work is the exception among conservatives rather than the rule.
At ARI, we have caught a lot of flak for our criticisms of Donald Trump. In particular, there was a lot of blowback for Onkar Ghate’s essay “One Small Step for Dictatorship: The Significance of Donald Trump’s Election.” Some people wrongly saw the piece as an attack on anyone who voted for Trump.
Steve Simpson, ARI's director of Legal Studies, took to Facebook Live in response to criticism of his recent op-ed on The Hill, "Free Speech Is a Right, Not a Political Weapon."
In this episode, Yaron steps away from his speaking tour to broadcast Live from Stockholm. Join Yaron as he tackles false news and globalism along with a US / Europe comparison, and a lively discussion on freedom.
Donald Trump’s election has spotlighted an important issue: cronyism and the “rigged system” that has special interests in bed with government, getting bailouts and other favors.
Today The Hill published a new column by ARI’s Steve Simpson, in which he argues that while President-Elect Donald Trump’s hostility toward freedom of speech is worrisome, he’s also by far not alone in this regard. “[I]s Trump’s urge to censor this form of speech really different from Hillary Clinton’s desire to ban the political speech at issue in Citizens United?”