Culture And Society

Onkar Ghate on Selfishness

In this episode of Selfish for Success, Steve Orma, a psychologist specializing in insomnia and anxiety, interviews philosopher Onkar Ghate. In the interview they discuss typical confusions about selfishness; the objective conditions for a flourishing life; the need to critically question conventional morality; and, the nobility of businessmen.
Culture And Society

Being Objective About the News

In the 2016 election, there was widespread concern about “fake news” and media bias. This talk explores the guidance Objectivist epistemology offers for being an objective consumer of the news. How do the requirements of integration and reduction help guide one's acceptance of the reports of others? How do we avoid uncritical reliance on the media without becoming skeptics of journalism as such? How do we avoid bias without abandoning concern for our values?
ARI News

Meet the Interns: Zach Johnson

Zach Johnson is a philosophy major at St. John’s University in New York City. Johnson, a senior, says he became a philosophy major because he is “interested in the connection between ethics and metaphysics, conceptions of human beings, free markets, and the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche. I’m also interested in logic, Friedrich Hayek, and education’s role in social change.” He explains that he had “great English teachers, especially in high school,” who inspired him to read even more philosophic texts. “I was stunned by Plato’s Republic, along with Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. I’ve been hooked ever since.”
Foreign Policy

Elan Journo on September 11

In this interview, recorded live on September 11, 2017, Ayn Rand Institute fellow and foreign policy expert Elan Journo reflects on a post 9/11 world. In the interview, Journo discusses: Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, who is the enemy and what unites them? The United States has the most powerful military in the world — so why are we still facing a threat from Islamic totalitarians? What myths surround 9/11?

Further Reading

Ayn Rand | 1957
For the New Intellectual

The Moral Meaning of Capitalism

An industrialist who works for nothing but his own profit guiltlessly proclaims his refusal to be sacrificed for the “public good.”
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Ayn Rand | 1961
The Virtue of Selfishness

The Objectivist Ethics

What is morality? Why does man need it? — and how the answers to these questions give rise to an ethics of rational self-interest.
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