Watch Now: Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein, and ARI’s Steve Simpson on Free Speech in America

Conflicts over the right to free speech are reaching a boiling point, leading to violent clashes, especially on college campuses. What can we do to prevent the right to free speech from slipping away?

In this live panel at Harvard University, Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, Bret Weinstein, formerly a professor at Evergreen State College, and Steve Simpson, director of legal studies at the Ayn Rand Institute, discuss the current state of free speech in America.

The event also featured an extensive Q&A with the audience.

Coming up on October 19, at Clemson University, Onkar Ghate, ARI senior fellow, will join Dave Rubin and Jordon Peterson, an outspoken professor at University of Toronto, on a panel titled “The Death of Free Speech?” This event will be livestreamed. Stay tuned.

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