Fresh from the success of “Building a Future of Reason and Capitalism” in New York City last month, Fox News contributor and hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig is looking forward to emceeing the event on March 11 in his hometown of Chicago.
“To put it bluntly, free speech is under attack. . .” says Steve Simpson, director of Legal Studies at the Ayn Rand Institute. In this talk and Q&A given at the Heartland Institute in Chicago, Simpson argues that if we want to fight for free speech, we have to fight for the ideals on which it is based. He also discusses topics such as the Danish cartoon crisis, the recent Berkeley riots in response to provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, free speech on college campuses and the government investigation into Exxon.
The Volokh Conspiracy is one of the nation’s most widely read legal blogs. Under the Washington Post’s online umbrella, the site’s twenty-two contributors (all law professors or lawyers) tackle some of the most complex issues in the news, especially those with a distinct legal aspect that will benefit from expert analysis. Recently the site’s founder, Eugene Volokh, a constitutional law professor at UCLA and expert on freedom of speech, weighed in on the banned-book controversy, involving a book by ARI’s Elan Journo and Onkar Ghate, that erupted at a recent Federalist Society event at his university.
Yesterday, The American Spectator published Elan Journo’s reply to Arnold Steinberg’s contention that Donald Trump’s “America first” foreign policy is “an unintended reincarnation of Ayn Rand.”
A couple of weeks ago, ARI executive chairman Yaron Brook was interviewed on Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal on the merits of “Trumpian Nationalism.”
Many educated people today dismiss free will as an illusion and instead view themselves and other people as determined by their environment and their genetics. Objectivism offers a very different view.
Yaron Brook, the executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, was recently interviewed on Amy Peikoff’s show Don’t Let it Go regarding his views on the proper immigration policy.
In the upcoming episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Brook addresses the prevalence of “anti-ideology” among today’s public figures and in particular with respect to Milo Yiannopoulos.
The other day, Claremont Review of Books published Elan Journo’s review of The Tail Wags the Dog: International Politics and the Middle East by Efraim Karsh.