Government And Business

The Welfare State Myth – Part 2

In his essay, Mike Konczal starts by challenging the view that the American welfare state started with the New Deal. If he can convince us that America was always a welfare state, then not only is it wrong to point to the period before the 1930s as evidence that free enterprise works — but the very notion that American ideals clash with welfare state ideals becomes harder to swallow.
Government And Business

A Word to the Greedy: Be Honest

In the New York Times, entrepreneur Rebekah Campbell notes “The Surprisingly Large Cost of Telling Small Lies.” As an angel investor named Peter tells her, “The secret to success in business and in life is to never, ever, ever tell a lie.”

Further Reading

Ayn Rand | 1957
For the New Intellectual

The Moral Meaning of Capitalism

An industrialist who works for nothing but his own profit guiltlessly proclaims his refusal to be sacrificed for the “public good.”
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Ayn Rand | 1961
The Virtue of Selfishness

The Objectivist Ethics

What is morality? Why does man need it? — and how the answers to these questions give rise to an ethics of rational self-interest.
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