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Yaron Brook and Steve Simpson at Freedom Summit Chicago 2016

On October 29, ARI will be at AM 560 The Answer’s Freedom Summit Chicago 2016. Yaron Brook and Steve Simpson will start the conference with morning sessions, in which they present their radical Objectivist perspective on two of today’s most important issues; namely, the inequality debate and freedom of speech.

After lunch, Brook will participate in the Media Rumble Roundtable discussion with Dan Proft, co-host of Chicago’s Morning Answer, and Mike Gallagher, host of the Mike Gallagher Show. They will discuss various topics that have been raised in this presidential election.

In the afternoon, attendees of this sold out conference will have a chance to buy copies of Equal Is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality and Defending Free Speech and have them signed by Yaron Brook and Steve Simpson respectively. Also, they will get the opportunity to participate in the live taping of The Yaron Brook Show, which is broadcast on AM 560 The Answer.

Just as last year, ARI will host a booth at the conference, where we will sell t-shirts and distribute various brochures, pamphlets and promotional materials.

Read more about Freedom Summit Chicago 2016 here.

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