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The Yaron Brook Show: Now Syndicated to Denver’s KDMT 1690 AM

Great news Denver! Beginning October 10, The Yaron Brook Show is now syndicated to Denver’s AM 1690 KDMT, Denver’s Money Talk 1690. The show will be on the air three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 p.m. mountain time.

As we reported back in April, the first syndicated market was 880 AM The Biz in South Florida (Miami and Ft. Lauderdale), where Yaron’s show is currently broadcast three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 am.

Also, for the past year ARI has broadcasted a series of vignettes called “A Moment of Objectivism” on AM 560 The Answer (where Yaron’s show is broadcast on Saturdays at 4-5 p.m. Eastern). These vignettes highlight and concretize aspects of Objectivism applied to issues and facets of today’s culture. Soon, these same vignettes will be included in the syndications as well, with one vignette playing once in each program Monday to Friday.