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The Student Experience at OCON 2016

© Brenton Ho Photo

ARI’s Objectivist summer conference is a once-a-year event where you can learn about Objectivism, connect with others influenced by Ayn Rand’s works and experience many aspects of the Objectivist movement. As a student at OCON 2016, you’ll discover a philosophical approach to understanding the power and application of ideas, both in your life and in the culture. You’ll build relationships with professionals and intellectuals eager to share the ideas behind their success. Even more, you’ll leave with new friendships and connections that continue far beyond the conference’s end. And you will have an opportunity to voice your ideas in discussions about what the future of the Objectivist movement should look like in order to best advance its inspiring pro-freedom message.

The student programming at OCON 2016 is designed knowing that the success of the Objectivist movement is rooted in engaging with young people like you, who are the leaders of tomorrow. If you’re interested in living by the principles of this philosophy, you’ll want to explore an education in Objectivism’s content, complexity and its relevance to life. To that end, OCON 2016 offers you more than ever before. If you’re a student, here’s what you can expect:

  • More students.  More than one hundred students are attending this year’s OCON — the most ever — and there’s still time to sign up! Register and apply for scholarship funding as soon as possible to secure your spot. A limited number of scholarships remain.
  • More OCON.  You’ll kick off the conference on July 1 with exclusive programming for students, including opening remarks by Keith Lockitch, ARI’s VP of educational programs, and team-building activities lead by STRIVE student leaders.
  • More options.  You’ll have the full conference educational program to choose from — including all general sessions, such as “The Objectivist Movement 2.0”; morning philosophy tracks, such as “An Orientation to Objectivism”; and afternoon breakout sessions, such as “Technology, America and the Spirit of Silicon Valley” — plus optional students-only activities to delve deeper into Objectivism.
  • Direct engagement with speakers.  There will be receptions and meals with conference speakers and small-group Q&As with Objectivist experts who will answer many of your questions about Objectivism and its application to your life and the world at large.
  • Philosophical mentorship.  Alumni of ARI’s Objectivist Academic Center (OAC), who have been studying — and living — Rand’s philosophy for years, will lead discussions about key lectures and provide ongoing mentorship throughout the conference.
  • Free receptions and meals.  The Student Week Pass includes the student welcome reception (July 1), the student lunch with speakers (July 2) and the academic lunch (July 5). That’s a value greater than $100 — free for you as a student. (Students attending on Day Passes can attend the reception for free and the lunches at reduced rates.)
  • Ongoing connections.  OCON will end, but you can ensure its spirit carries on. Want to join or start a club on your campus? You’ll learn how before you leave. Want to write about Objectivism? You’ll connect with editors and contributors of The Undercurrent. Want to formally study Objectivism? You’ll meet faculty and staff of the OAC. Graduating soon? You’ll have been immersed in a network of businessmen, academics and other professionals, all of whom value those who value Objectivism.
  • STRIVE student leader training.  STRIVE is a nationwide network of campus clubs and a student magazine, inspired by Objectivism. It will offer its own track of activities at OCON for students interested in leadership training and in launching a campus club. 

OCON 2016 will be held in Bellevue, Washington, July 2 – 7. Register today to take part in this unique event. We look forward to seeing you there! Learn more.