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The Sacred Self: Ayn Rand On Abortion, Foreign Policy and Environmentalism [Video]

Contrary to conservatives, Ayn Rand supported the right to abortion; contrary to liberals, she opposed environmentalism; and contrary to libertarians (and others), she upheld a firm, assertive foreign policy. What unites these seemingly disparate positions? And what explains the moral fire with which she expressed her views on these issues? In this talk, Ayn Rand Institute fellow, Keith Lockitch, will argue that the answer lies in Rand’s view of self-esteem, which is key to understanding her perspective on issues of policy. Recorded at OCON 2014.


In September, Keith Lockitch took this message across the country on ARI’s “Road to a Free Society” tour. As the tour continues in November, you will have the chance to hear ARI’s director of legal studies Steven Simpson in a city near you. Here’s a description of his talk titled “Cronyism, Corruption and Government Power”:

“Cronyism,” a new rallying cry in all political quarters, is now being offered as a reason not only to restrict free speech but to impose “income equality” on the grounds that the rich obtain their wealth only through “gaming” the system. Is there any truth to the claims that our government is corrupt and cronyism rampant? The answer is yes, but not in the way that proponents of more government power claim. This talk will explore the true nature of government corruption and cronyism, how it manifests itself in various ways, its consequences, and what to do about it.

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