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The New Ayn Rand Digital Experience

Every day more than 40,000 people open up their Internet devices and browsers to search for information about Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Thousands more share her thoughts, quotes and relevant content through social media. Videos featuring her speeches and interviews have been viewed more than 50 million times on YouTube alone. Once confined to the pages of her impactful novels and works, Ayn Rand’s ideas now travel across the globe instantaneously — through digital channels which reach an audience that knows no boundaries. 

Last year, we set out to build a new Ayn Rand experience with that in mind. The plan was to bring her story and philosophy to life with best-in-class technology and content designed to carry her ideas forward in the digital era. This is how we’ll connect the next generation of individuals to her message of Reason, Purpose, and Self-Esteem . . . a philosophy for living on earth. 

This morning we launched the Ayn Rand Institute digital experience. A quick primer on what that means: 

  • AynRand.Org now features a brand new, streamlined design that allows for easy content consumption and navigation, and a personalized site experience highlighting the most relevant and interesting content to guide one’s exploration. Start at the homepage and learn about Ayn Rand, her life, her works and her philosophy.
  • ARI.AynRand.Org will take you directly to a distinctive subdomain focused on the Ayn Rand Institute itself. If you’re reading this post, you’ve already found your way to the reimagined and relocated Voices for Reason blog, a home to ongoing commentary from thought leaders at the Ayn Rand Institute. Beyond that, you can access information about our team of experts, key issues we’re discussing and how to get involved in our programs.
  • Visit through your hand-held device to access information and content via our mobile-first experience.
  • Along the footer of both primary sections of the site you’ll find dedicated links to help you stay connected through relevant social channels.
  • Get started by visiting YouTube and viewing newly released video pieces introducing Ayn Rand, Objectivism and the Ayn Rand Institute: 
  • As you can see, we’re working hard to keep her message alive and relevant through this very accessible medium. Today is only the beginning of a long-term effort aimed at doing just that. Going forward you can expect an ongoing rollout of new content, features and functionality across the Ayn Rand Institute digital ecosystem. We’ll be updating the experience, releasing content and looking for new opportunities to engage with and build our audiences. On the horizon — a few things to look forward to in the months and years to come: 

    • Development of a more immersive experience for individuals wanting to become involved in ARI programs, events and volunteer opportunities
    • Redesign and integration of the online Ayn Rand Lexicon to discover Objectivism through her words
    • Evolution of the eLearning platform at ARI Campus
    • Build-out of the Ayn Rand Archives to allow for online exploration of her life, ideas and works 

    Spend some time today digging into the new Ayn Rand Institute digital ecosystem, and please let us know what you think.   Greatly looking forward to sharing more along the way. 


    — Yaron Brook