In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally airing on April 30, 2016, Yaron Brook shares his impressions from his recent trip to Latin America, and analyzes at length the cause and implications of the growing sense of alienation and fear in America.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally aired on April 15, 2016, guest host Don Watkins discusses the truth about the American tax burden, the underlying un-American collectivism of the “fair share” rhetoric and the injustice of progressive taxation.
Attorneys General from 15 states are investigating Exxon Mobil for allegedly lying about the risks of “climate change.” The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington free market think tank, became entangled in the investigation when the group received a subpoena seeking information about its funding and activities going back two decades. Many in government and in the environmental movement call this a proper fraud investigation. Guest host Steve Simpson, director of legal studies at the Ayn Rand Institute, calls it an inquisition.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally aired on AM 560 The Answer on April 9, 2016, Yaron Brook talks about an Atlantic article on “total inequality” and whether it makes any sense to conflate various socio-economic problems with economic inequality.
This Saturday, April 16, Equal Is Unfair co-author Don Watkins will guest host The Yaron Brook Show. Do the rich pay their “fair share” of taxes? What lessons can we draw from the Panama Papers controversy? What should we make of the “taxation is theft” meme? These are only some of the questions that Don will tackle.
In this discussion with economics and law professor Alan Auerbach, ARI’s executive director Yaron Brook argues that the hardship facing some Americans has nothing to do with economic inequality, and that the government’s misguided fight against income inequality only destroys opportunity and upward mobility.
This Saturday, April 9, guest hosts Amanda Maxham and Aaron Smith will talk about the meaning of selfishness, benevolence and altruism; whether it’s selfish to have (or not have) children; the disturbing environmentalist trend of viewing children as “carbon burdens.”
Do you think that success is just a matter of luck? In this recent episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Don Watkins, fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute and co-author of Equal Is Unfair, challenges that notion.