Is Sweden a socialist utopia? In this special-edition episode of The Yaron Brook Show, guest host Amanda Maxham digs to the bottom of a couple of shared Facebook memes asserting that Sweden is a socialist heaven that the United States should try to emulate. To get the real scoop, Maxham calls ARI research associate Carl Svanberg, who was born and raised in Sweden. Among other things, they discuss the perception versus reality of Scandinavia in general and Sweden in particular.
What is the state of freedom? What accounts for the Left’s bankruptcy and the Right’s impotence? These are some of the questions that Yaron Brook will answer in the next episode of The Yaron Brook Show.
How are Ayn Rand’s views related to ancient Greece? How do ideas shape culture and history? Tomorrow, October 15, Yaron Brook will break from his speaking tour in Europe to share his insights from Greece.
What made the Republicans wake up? How did we end up with Trump and Clinton? What’s missing from the presidential race? In this episode, Yaron Brook takes on the political landscape and considers what the ideal candidate would look like.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Yaron Brook examines the views and premises of the alt-right movement and argues that it amounts to a faith-based, racist rejection of Enlightenment values such as reason and individualism.
Great news Denver! Beginning October 10, The Yaron Brook Show is now syndicated to Denver’s AM 1690 KDMT, Denver’s Money Talk 1690. The show will be on the air three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:00 p.m. mountain time.
This Saturday, October 8, Yaron Brook takes on the alt-right. What is the alt-right? Is it the culture movement that disgruntled conservatives are looking for? Or is it a racist reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement? Should we be worried about what they promote?
On Saturday, October 1, Yaron Brook will deal with the question: How can you vote objectively when your choices aren’t objective? Brook will look at the presidential candidates and various political issues from a moral standpoint and address what you should consider before checking that box on Election Day. He’ll also suggest ways to bring philosophy back into the conversation when trying to persuade others to vote morally rather than emotionally. The show starts at 7:30 a.m. Pacific/10:30 a.m. Eastern.
It has been fifteen years since the horrible terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Yaron Brook and Elan Journo discuss Elan and Onkar Ghate’s new book Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism: From George W. Bush to Barack Obama and Beyond. Topics covered include ARI’s distinctive perspective of the threat of Islamic totalitarianism, why destroying ISIS is necessary, what to do about the “self-radicalization” of so-called lone wolves and innocents in war.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally airing on September 3, 2016 on AM560 The Answer, Yaron Brook and Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Pittsburgh, discuss the link between Zika and microcephaly (a smaller-than-normal head size), the risk of Zika spreading (further) in the United States, the irrational opposition to possible solutions and the government’s role, if any, in responding to the Zika outbreak.