This three-minute video contains the stirring conclusion of Yaron Brook’s message to everyone who seeks to expand the influence of Ayn Rand’s ideas in today’s culture.
“It’s a little surprising to say in retrospect, but until writing my chapter on law — a subject that Robert Mayhew suggested to me — I hadn’t given much thought directly to the nature of law in Atlas Shrugged,” said Tara Smith, referring to a chapter she contributed to Mayhew’s book Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.”
Political figures from Jefferson to Lenin to FDR and philosophers from Locke to Marx to Rawls all claim to stand for liberty. But they have radically different understandings of what liberty is, and so they advocate very different sorts of societies.
Learn more about the Academy Award-Nominated 1997 documentary Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life and its director Michael Paxton in this new website, which was launched to commemorate the documentary’s twentieth anniversary. You’ll also find video clips from the film and information about the cast.
To celebrate the 60th publication anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, we’re talking to the authors of chapters in Robert Mayhew’s book Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Next up is Tara Smith, whose chapter “No Tributes to Caesar: Good or Evil in Atlas Shrugged” examines how the choice between good and evil is presented in Rand’s magnum opus, which was published in 1957.
To celebrate the 60th publication anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, we’re talking to the authors of chapters in Robert Mayhew’s book Essays on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Next up is Michael Berliner, whose chapter “The Atlas Shrugged Reviews” surveys the critical response to Rand’s magnum opus, which was published in 1957.
As ARI’s newly minted CEO, Jim Brown will kick off the annual “State of ARI” presentation at Objectivist Summer Conference 2017 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Each year, ARI hosts this reception and discussion of the current state of the culture and the impact the Objectivist movement is having on it.
In this wide-ranging interview, Yaron Brook discusses Ayn Rand’s achievements as a novelist-philosopher; the role of philosophy in history; Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow; why “the poor” only need freedom to rise; environmentalism; and more.