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On the Road Again: Yaron Brook in Europe

Through the second half of October, ARI’s executive director Yaron Brook will be back on the road again. This time, he will be touring in Europe, where he will give talks on Ayn Rand’s philosophy, business, Atlas Shrugged, and the moral argument for laissez-faire capitalism.

Today, October 13, Brook delivered a talk titled “Capitalism Without Guilt: The Moral Case for Freedom,” at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest, Romania. But that was just the beginning. Here’s a sample of what’s coming up:

  • October 14. Brook will deliver yet another talk at the Romanian-American University, this one titled “The Moral Case for Inequality and Entrepreneurship.”
  • October 15. Brook will discuss the morality of capitalism at the European Students for Liberty’s 2016 Athens Regional Conference in Athens, Greece.
  • October 17. The public is invited to hear Brook’s presentation titled “Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand,” at the Adam Smith Center of Market Research in Moscow, Russia.
  • October 18. Brook will make the moral case for capitalism in an address to the students at New Economic School in Tbilisi, Georgia.

For updates on these and other upcoming talks and events, click here.

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