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Live@OCON 2016, July 5: “Understanding the Subconscious”

Today, July 5, 2016, we will be livestreaming Jean Moroney’s lecture titled “Understanding the Subconscious”:

Real-world success relies on an effectively functioning subconscious, one which constantly supplies your conscious mind with pertinent information and unconflicted motivation. Only Objectivism recognizes that the subconscious is programmed by your conscious mind — and therefore can be reprogrammed. In this talk, you will learn the essential process for understanding your own subconscious and remedying key problems, including repression, a flat value-hierarchy, and difficulty essentializing. Includes introspective exercises

The session begins at 10:00 am Pacific. Sign up for livestreaming here.

Join the conversation on Twitter at @OCON_live and on our OCON 2016 Facebook page.