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Live webinar with Dr. Amanda Maxham: “Why GMOs are Good”

On Earth Day, ARI and The Undercurrent would like to invite you to a students-only webinar on the value of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with ARI researcher Dr. Amanda Maxham.

From salmon, rice and bananas to corn, papaya and apples, the technology of genetic engineering has been improving the food we eat for over twenty years. Despite the successes and an unassailable safety record of these foods, strong opposition exists to the technology of genetic engineering. Anti-biotechnology activists and environmentalist groups mow down crops, block a life-saving rice from reaching the third world, and push for mandatory GMO labeling laws. In this talk, Dr. Maxham will discuss the growing campaign of fear, intimidation and attacks on bio-engineered foods and what that implies for grocery store shoppers.

Dr. Amanda Maxham is a research associate and writer at the Ayn Rand Institute. She holds a PhD in astrophysics from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), and contributes regularly to the debate on science-related policy issues such as GMOs, DDT and pesticides, climate change, and energy.

The webinar will take place on April 22, 2015 at 7:00 PM ET. Submit your questions to Dr. Maxham here and register for the webinar here.