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Jason Crawford and Ray Girn Speaking at STRIVE’s Student Conference

ARI and STRIVE are co-hosting the Leven Foundation student conference on “The Morality of Value Creation and Trade” at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center on November 6-8 in Atlanta, GA.

Last week we announced that Yaron Brook, Onkar Ghate, Keith Lockitch, Don Watkins and Steve Simpson will be speaking at the conference on a variety of subjects such as the morality of value creation, trade and capitalism, inequality and the attack on entrepreneurship.

Today we would like to introduce two new speakers: Jason Crawford and Ray Girn.

Jason Crawford is the CEO and cofounder of Fieldbook. In his talk, “The Spirit of Atlas Shrugged Is Alive in Silicon Valley,” Jason will explain why Ayn Rand’s novels resonate with many people in the tech and startup world, even though many tech entrepreneurs and investors don’t agree with her politics. Jason, who has spent a lot of time in both communities, will explain what they have in common on a deep level.

Ray Girn is the CEO of LePort Schools, an organization consisting of 15 schools nationwide. In his talk, “The Immense Practical Power of Moral Values in Business,” Ray will explain how the core values of LePort Schools have impacted the growth of his business, and through them explore key reasons for the immense practical power of moral values in business. 

Best of all, students interested in gaining insights from entrepreneurs like Jason and Ray  will have unique access to them in a speed mentoring event on Saturday, November 7.

Do you know any students that are interested in seeing how Ayn Rand’s ideas can help them achieve success and purpose in life? If so,  do them a favor and tell them about our student conference. Remember that scholarships are available for students to cover travel and lodging, and the $50.00 registration fee will also be reimbursed following attendance.

Read more and register here.