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Introducing: Ayn Rand’s The Unconquered

Almost seventy years after the publication of Ayn Rand’s first novel, We the Living, Dr. Robert Mayhew is releasing never-before published versions of Rand’s theatrical adaption of the novel “The Unconquered”: With Another, Earlier Adaptation of “We the Living.”


From the book’s back cover:

In the 1930s, Rand was asked to adapt her first novel, We the Living, for the theatre. We the Living is a story of life in post-revolutionary Russia and Rand’s first statement against communism. It was not a commercial success when it was published, but has gone on to sell over 3 million copies.


The first substantial fiction of Rand to appear in over twenty years, this important volume contains two never-before published versions of the play — the first and last versions (the latter entitled The Unconquered). With a preface that places the work in its historical and political context, an essay on the history of the theatrical adaptation by Jeff Britting, the curator of the Ayn Rand Archives, and two alternative endings, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in Rand’s philosophy.

“A real treat for Ayn Rand fans and for scholars interested in her ideas and intellectual and artistic development. How appropriate that these two adaptations of Ayn Rand’s great anti-dictatorship, anti-communist novel be published exactly twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Thank you, Robert Mayhew, for bringing these treasures to all of us,” says ARI’s executive director, Yaron Brook.


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