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Introducing Ayn Rand’s Ideas to New Audiences

A critical part of ARI’s mission is introducing Ayn Rand’s ideas to the widest possible audience. To this end, the Institute regularly sends its experts to educate new audiences about Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Recently, for example, ARI addressed international fans of Objectivism, including, for the first time, those in Russia and Ukraine.

In St. Petersburg, Russia, the birthplace of Ayn Rand, ARI’s executive director Yaron Brook spoke to an audience of two hundred about how Rand’s message of reason and individualism is relevant to Russians today. The event was hosted by a pro-liberty think tank in the region.

In Kiev, Ukraine, Dr. Brook spoke to more than three hundred students and professors at two universities. One, the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, is the largest business school in the country. Dr. Brook introduced both audiences to the ideas in Ayn Rand’s magnum opus Atlas Shrugged and spoke about how Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, has the power to transform society for the better. While in Ukraine, Dr. Brook also visited with parliament members.

ARI speakers also recently discussed Ayn Rand’s ideas in other parts of Europe. In London this past November, the Adam Smith Institute held its annual lecture on Ayn Rand’s philosophy. This year Ken Moelis, founder of the investment bank Moelis & Company, spoke to an audience of 350 students and young professionals about Objectivism’s approach to the modern world. At Oxford, Cambridge and Exeter Universities, Yaron Brook was invited to address students regarding the growing inequality debate throughout the world. In Serbia, Denmark and Poland, Dr. Brook addressed hundreds of students at regional European Students for Liberty conferences.

The goal of these events is not only to inspire students in other countries to read and explore Ayn Rand’s thought but also to educate them about ARI’s myriad resources designed to guide them through this journey. ARI Campus, for example, allows students from anywhere in the world to enroll in online classes about Ayn Rand’s novels, philosophy and life. ARI also encourages and supports the formation of student clubs on college campuses, which several students in Europe expressed interest in after attending our recent events.

This month, Yaron Brook takes Ayn Rand’s message to Japan, China and Hong Kong. To watch videos of ARI’s international events, check out the “Ayn Rand Institute International” playlist on ARI’s YouTube channel.