Share Atlas Shrugged with the next generation

Every day Ayn Rand’s books are freely shared with students and teachers around the world, thanks to the generous support of our donors. You can help deliver Ayn Rand’s books to eager readers today.

Help Sustain ARI’s Success

Those who help support ARI monthly via debit/credit card or electronic funds transfer are among our most highly valued contributors. We call such contributors “Sustainers” because their continuing commitment helps ensure the continuance of our vital programs. Contributing in this way is convenient for them and helps to provide steady funding for our vital programs.

To encourage this type of giving, ARI is now offering the Ayn Rand Photo Series to those who contribute $25 or more each month via such automated methods.

The Ayn Rand Photo Series was created in cooperation with the Ayn Rand Archives, which has more than 1,500 photographs of Ayn Rand and her life. Selected prints are reproduced in high resolution on high-quality photographic paper, and each includes a description of the photo, as well as historical anecdotes provided by Archives. They are suitable for framing or for collecting in a photo album.

ARI Sustainers at the level of $25, or more, monthly will receive two of the photos in the series each month in a protective sleeve suitable for album collecting or framing.

If you would like to become a Sustainer and receive two photos every month, simply visit, select Debit/Credit Card or Checking Account, and then follow the instructions to choose a monthly recurring gift of $25 or more. When your first monthly contribution is made, you will receive the first set of photos, and then each month you’ll receive two more in the series for as long as you remain an ARI monthly Sustainer. Get started today!