Share Atlas Shrugged with the next generation

Every day Ayn Rand’s books are freely shared with students and teachers around the world, thanks to the generous support of our donors. You can help deliver Ayn Rand’s books to eager readers today.

Give an ARI Gift Sponsorship and Free Book This Holiday Season

Would you like to introduce the books and ideas of Ayn Rand to someone in your life? What better way than sponsoring a gift this holiday season to support the vital mission of the Ayn Rand Institute, while sending them a copy of The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged? Our survey data show that the number one way people learn about Ayn Rand is through a friend or family member.

Or, do you know someone who has already read Ayn Rand’s novels and is interested in her ideas, but who is not yet a supporter of ARI? Now you can sponsor their first gift to the Institute, and send them a copy of The Virtue of Selfishness or Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal!

This week only — through Sunday, December 4 at midnight EST — ARI will send a gift-wrapped paperback edition of one of Ayn Rand’s books to the recipient of your choice, when you sponsor a contribution of $25 or more in his or her name.

Your recipient’s sponsored gift to ARI means they will also receive our Impact Quarterly newsletter for one year, where they will learn of the activities and successes of the Institute. We will send a confirmation of your sponsored gift and the book, along with your holiday message, to arrive before December 25.

To take advantage of this special holiday program, simply go to our online donation page, choose the option to give by credit or debit card, and select “Gift Sponsorship.” You’ll be able to enter the name and address of the gift recipient, along with your holiday message. Type the name of the book you’d like to give — The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, The Virtue of Selfishness or Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal — then choose a contribution amount of $25 or more. We’ll take care of the rest.

If you have any questions about sponsoring a gift to the Ayn Rand Institute, or the free book holiday offer, contact Donor Services at 949-222-6550, ext. 204, or email

An ideal gift for a student or young person-give a unique gift this holiday season, and help support the Institute’s important programs in support of your values.