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Chicago Atlas Shrugged Revolution Dinner Draws 110 Attendees

The Ayn Rand Institute’s third annual Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinner in Chicago earlier this month raised nearly $300,000 to support ARI programs and initiatives in Chicago and around the country.

The 110 attendees at the Langham Hotel event heard from John Stossel of Fox Business Network and Gary P. Brinson of GP Brinson Investments, who described the impact that Rand’s ideas, and especially Atlas Shrugged, had on their careers.

Twelve young people were also honored as winners and finalists in the 2013-14 ARI Chicagoland essay contests. Participating students are required to read an Ayn Rand novel and write an original essay exploring one of three optional topics.

“I wish you had been there to see the pride in the faces of each prizewinner for their outstanding accomplishments,” said Yaron Brook, ARI’s executive director. “These local essay contest awards are an inspiring example of the impact we have each year in our annual high school essay contests — a compelling example of the incredible effect ARI’s programs are having on young people, not just in Chicago but around the country.”

A fundraising auction at the end of the evening culminated with the announcement of a new ARI scholarship program for Chicago-area students, to be awarded in 2015. Five young people will receive support for their studies of Ayn Rand and Objectivism, and for completing ARI internships in the summer of 2015.

After the event, Brook extended thanks to dinner sponsors Dmitry Balyasny, Tim Blum, Gary Brinson, Jack and Kate Shaffer and Eric and Sharon Ogden; Chicagoland essay contest sponsors Scott Schweighauser, Tim Blum and Ken Moelis; and auction contributors Robert Smietana and Tim Blum.

The New York Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinner will be held on September 23, 2014, at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City.