At, Sarah Kliff documents efforts in Vermont to socialize the financing of medical care in the state. The relevant legislation was signed into law in 2011, and if the state government is able to stick to its own schedule, starting in 2017, the government will be the sole payer for most medical services in Vermont (this kind of socialized medicine is called “single payer”).
In this episode of The Debt Dialogues, I talk to Hope about her experiences as a single mother on welfare, why she left the welfare rolls, and the benefits of self-reliance.
Every so often, some pretentious intellectual calls for the government to draft every American into performing a few years of community service. The proposals never go anywhere.
On health care, Republicans and Democrats share the same goal: to create a society in which if you can’t pay for medical services, the government confiscates other people’s money to pay for those services.
Government regulations criminalize all kinds of rational, productive, and honest business activity. As bad as this is, the non-objective nature of the regulatory state and the wide powers its enforcers wield can enable regulators to get away with extorting large sums from honest producers even when there is no clear wrongdoing according to their own rules.
Peggy Noonan ably exposes the emptiness of the left’s triumphalism over Obamacare’s announcement of “7 million insured.” However, in the course of her comments, she praises Social Security by comparison.
In recent years, the Supreme Court has issued a spate of generally good campaign finance decisions that move steadily closer to treating free speech the way it should be treated — as an individual right. Last week’s decision in McCutcheon v. FEC, which struck down so-called “aggregate” contribution limits, is the latest example.
Tune in tonight (Thursday, April 10) for an appearance by Yaron Brook on Stossel featuring a discussion with host John Stossel about the crushing burden of taxation. The show starts at 9 p.m. eastern time on the Fox Business Network.