Are forces beyond your control compelling you to read this? Do you really have a choice in the matter? Is free will only an illusion? This Saturday, May 28, Don Watkins will critically examine an article in The Atlantic, which claims that science proves that free will doesn’t exist.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally airing on May 21, 2016, guest host Elan Journo, ARI fellow and author of Winning the Unwinnable War: America’s Self-Crippled Response to Islamic Totalitarianism, discusses the need for new intellectuals, the Objectivist Academic Center’s role in training new intellectuals, why “radicalization” is an improper conceptualization of the cause of terrorism, the value in recognizing the good in the world and celebrating its root as well as some highlights of Objectivist Summer Conference 2016.
On Saturday, May 21, guest host Elan Journo will talk about the need for new intellectuals, the preconditions for social change and how to properly think about the “radicalization” of terrorists. He will also take a moment to celebrate human progress and technological innovations, and announce a contest.
Is Ayn Rand a serious artist concretizing a timeless message or a writer of ideological sermons disguised as novels? Over at Objectivism: Who Needs It, my colleague Onkar Ghate explains why categorizing her as a “didactic fiction” writer is completely wrong.
In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, originally airing on April 30, 2016, Yaron Brook shares his impressions from his recent trip to Latin America, and analyzes at length the cause and implications of the growing sense of alienation and fear in America.
On May 6, 2016, David Rubin on Ora.TV’s The Rubin Report interviewed ARI’s executive director, Yaron Brook. In this extensive interview Dr. Brook discusses topics such as the life, works and philosophy of Ayn Rand, the failure of our public education system, the meaning of rational selfishness, the value of free trade and labor-saving machines and the cause of cronyism and government controls.
In this talk, Eric Daniels, science teacher and curriculum developer at LePort schools, explores what’s wrong with today’s science education, the history of science education and how to fundamentally improve science education.
This Saturday, April 9, guest hosts Amanda Maxham and Aaron Smith will talk about the meaning of selfishness, benevolence and altruism; whether it’s selfish to have (or not have) children; the disturbing environmentalist trend of viewing children as “carbon burdens.”
Do you think that success is just a matter of luck? In this recent episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Don Watkins, fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute and co-author of Equal Is Unfair, challenges that notion.