In this episode of The Yaron Brook Show, Elan Journo explores the value of reading (and re-reading) the works of Ayn Rand by showing how her philosophy applies to various real life concretes such as the Southern Poverty Law Center’s journalist field guide to “anti-Muslim extremism,” communism in Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Poland’s abortion laws.
In the most recent episode of The Rubin Report, Don Watkins explains why a proper government is a necessary good, how government controls destroy progress and opportunity, why egalitarianism is a rationalization for envy, why the morality of need is incompatible with freedom and justice and why art is important in life.
In the most recent episode of The Rubin Report, Don Watkins explains why Ayn Rand is such a controversial philosopher, what makes Watkins tick as an intellectual activist, the demonization of businessmen, the moral meaning of life, Objectivism and libertarianism, the unselfishness of Donald Trump and more.
The birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., offers Americans an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to eradicating racism in all its forms. A good place to start is with Ayn Rand’s 1963 article, “Racism.”
In this extensive Q&A on Objectivism, Gregory Salmieri, Anthem Foundation Fellow in philosophy, philosophy lecturer at Rutgers University and co-editor with Allan Gotthelf of A Companion to Ayn Rand, answers questions such as: Is love and sex more than just hormones and self-interest? What’s the justification for limiting the term of intellectual property rights? Is Objectivism compatible with “liberalism” and “conservatism”? Why must retaliatory force be put under objective control? Why is living as a parasite worse than as a creator? Isn’t the choice to live arbitrary?
If you picked up a melon that smells rotten, would you bite into it? Nor would I. When it comes to our media diet, the same thing applies: if a news story smells funky, that's a reason not to swallow it. But what does it take to sniff out unreliable news articles?
In the two years since Islamic terrorists murdered five cartoonists and seven others associated with the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, the Ayn Rand Institute has vocally and consistently upheld freedom of speech against its attackers. In public lectures, interviews, blog posts and a recent book — plus upcoming events on the same theme — the Institute has challenged individuals around the world to join in defending the right to free speech.
In trying to make a valid point — that the left has wrongly portrayed Rand as the central intellectual influence on conservatives — Kevin D. Williamson goes a bridge too far, trying to pretend that fondness for Rand’s work is the exception among conservatives rather than the rule.
Is that statement hyperbole or prophecy? To find out, read ARI senior fellow Onkar Ghate’s careful analysis of Trump’s election to the presidency, what the election means for America and why Ayn Rand’s philosophy is more important than ever.
Anthem Foundation fellow and Rutgers University lecturer Gregory Salmieri has published an article, “Is Kant the Ideal Statement of Classical Liberalism?” in the October 2016 issue of Cato Unbound: A Journal of Debate.