Not too long ago, Fox News contributor and hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig asked ARI’s Yaron Brook, “Why should we practice free trade when other countries don’t?”
The Iranian Hostage Crisis, the Salman Rushdie Affair, September 11th and the Charlie Hebdo Massacre. Are we in the Western world doomed to more and more attacks by Islamic totalitarians? And what can anyone do about it? The answer might surprise you.
For months, various newspapers have been trying to associate Donald Trump and his administration with Ayn Rand and her philosophy. Learn Liberty just published Steve Simpson’s all-new essay titled “Crony-In-Chief: Donald Trump Epitomizes Ayn Rand's ‘Aristocracy of Pull,’” in which he not only sets the record straight, but he also offers a radical solution to “cronyism.”
Today is Ayn Rand’s birthday. Although Rand is known for her best-selling novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and works of nonfiction like The Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, her actual views are still largely unknown or misunderstood.
Earlier this month, ARI announced the selection of its new CEO, Jim Brown. Jim has been an Objectivist for nearly fifty years, a donor and a participant in ARI activities and causes for the last eighteen years.
The Myth: An unregulated free market and unrestricted Wall Street greed caused the Great Depression and only the interventionist policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt got us out. The Reality: The Great Depression was caused by government intervention, above all a financial system controlled by America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve — and the interventionist policies of Hoover and FDR only made things worse.
“I’m a huge fan of podcasts,” said Amanda Maxham, host of the new Ayn Rand Institute podcast Rise & Fall: How Ideas Move the World. “The best ones are determined by the quality of thinking expressed in them. I’ve often listened to podcasts about some topic I’m interested in and think how much more compelling they would be if they included an Objectivist perspective.”
Fox News contributor and hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig will emcee two upcoming Ayn Rand Institute public events, in New York City and Chicago, titled “Building a Future of Reason and Capitalism.” In a recent interview he shared some personal thoughts on the importance of ARI and what others can expect to gain by attending.
Yaron Brook recently appeared on The Glenn Beck Program to discuss Trump’s plans for the country. Brook and Beck weigh in on Trump’s relationship with Putin, his views on foreign policy and other topics.
On February 4, four of the Ayn Rand Institute’s top experts will appear in New York City to discuss the future of the Objectivist movement in light of the November 2016 elections, the new administration in Washington, D.C., and the overall status of the culture.