This year it’s not only Atlas Shrugged’s 60th anniversary; it’s also the 55th anniversary of The Objectivist Newsletter, Ayn Rand’s first periodical. With essays on topics such as the evil of antitrust laws, the totalitarian nature of nonobjective laws, the application of the Objectivist ethics, the history and morality of capitalism, and other, Rand’s newsletter provided a penetrating philosophical dissection of the events and ideas dominating our culture.
The Objectivist Academic Center is a distance-learning program designed for ambitious individuals pursuing careers in business, academia and public policy. This year, the OAC has really put the “distance” in distance learning.
Why do so many college students believe that free speech amounts to “sticks and stones”? And that it’s morally justified to use force to silence people?
This talk by Yaron Brook, executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, explores how today’s widespread acceptance of determinism has made many people suspicious of immigration. In contrast, the controversial positions that ARI takes on immigration reflect its philosophical understanding of free will.
Elan Journo, the Ayn Rand Institute’s director of Policy Research and foreign policy expert, recently gave a wide-ranging video interview to the student-run YouTube channel Objectivist Discussions.
This talk by Steve Simpson, director of Legal Studies at the Ayn Rand Institute, explores how today's widespread acceptance of determinism has made many people suspicious of free speech. In contrast, the controversial positions that ARI takes on free speech reflect its philosophical understanding of free will.
Work is well underway on a new graphic novel based on Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, to be published in the next couple of years by New American Library (NAL), a division of Penguin Random House with the approval of Leonard Peikoff. The designer and artist is Bosch Fawstin with a script by him and Amy Peikoff, adapted from the novel. The graphic novel will most likely be published in three volumes over a period of a few months after it is completed.
Today most observers agree that the West is in decline. But how close are we to the abyss? What is behind this decline? And, what exactly is Western civilization? These are only some of the questions that Yaron Brook treats in this thought-provoking episode of The Yaron Brook Show.
Fresh from the success of “Building a Future of Reason and Capitalism” in New York City last month, Fox News contributor and hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig is looking forward to emceeing the event on March 11 in his hometown of Chicago.